Recent Posts
August 06, 2018
QGIS Tutorial: Network Analysis (Shortest Path/Route and Service Area)
One of the implementation of GIS (Geographic Information System) at the advanced level is for network analysis. This analysis is used to find solutions to vehicle route problems.
August 01, 2018
QGIS Tutorial: Geotagged Photos/Images to Points (shp, kmz, geojson)
Geotagged Photos is photo with coordinate information (latitude, longitude, elevation). You can convert geotagged photos to points (digital spatial data: shapefile, kml/kmz, geojson, etc) using QGIS.
July 28, 2018
Tutorial: How to Create Custom Symbols (SVG Marker) for QGIS
QGIS provides many pictorial symbols stored in *.svg format with several classifications, including accommodation, arrows, emergency, food, health, money, religion, shopping, transport, service, sports, amenities, landmarks, entertainment, tourist, and wind roses. All svg files are stored in the QGIS symbol directory (Settings - Options - System - SVG path).
July 24, 2018
Viewing a Locally Hosted Web GIS (index.html file) with Android Browser
You can view and modify your source code of webgis or webmap using smartphone text editor. And you can preview your locally hosted web gis/web map with your smartphone browser (ex: Google Chrome). Just click on the html file and open it using browser on your smartphone.
March 01, 2018
How To Download OpenStreetMap (OSM) Spatial Data
OpenStreetMap is open and free. This means, OSM is not charging any fees to use its data. OpenStreetMap can be customized. All datasets in OpenStreetMap can be used to your own needs, for instance, if you need to make tourism sites map in your place, you can take OpenStreetMap data and show only these tourism destinations without having to include other information.